Easy CakePHP API search with Firefox

Some of you might know this, but…

  1. Go here: http://mycroft.mozdev.org/search-engines.html?name=cakephp
  2. Click the “CakePHP API” link (or any other you might think is useful)
  3. Add “CakePHP API” to the list of engines available in the search bar?… Most definitely “Add”
  4. (Sure, let’s try it right away)
  5. Ctrl + K (windows) or similar shortcut for your OS
  6. Type search string, hit “Enter”
  7. See results


12 thoughts on “Easy CakePHP API search with Firefox

  1. Hmm, this might be a perfect example to finally write my first Ubiquity command for Firefox. :)

    I’ll come back here if I get around to it on a lunch break at some point soon. Thanks for reminding me about this, teknoid.

  2. @Brendon Kozlowski

    Thanks. Awesome tip…
    Also something similar is available built-in (unless I installed some plug-in and forgot about it).
    – Right click on any search field and select “Add keyword for this search”
    – For example for cake API I simply picked ‘a’
    – Now press Alt+D (which jumps into a location bar and selects current address), and type something like “a model” (‘a’ being the keyword, which basically tells the browser go search cake API)
    – CakePHP API with search results for “model” shows up in a new tab

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